Thursday, August 21, 2014

The 25 essential must-see places Part six

The 25 essential must-see places
The mixture of civilizations, cultures and empires has given Turkey a burst only by its natural beauty rich history.Considered the largest museum outside world, the country has turquoise beaches, waterfalls, forests, unique rock formations and cities with lots to see.
City Aizinoi Ktahya and deposit (in central Anatolia)
Further west, the bustling Kthaya is famous for its production of colorful tiles and as a starting point to go 60 km.southwesterly one of the best preserved temples of Anatolia: the great temple of Zeus, the site of Aizinoi (near the farming village of avdarhisar).
shown, the great temple of Zeus, located 60 kilometers southwest of Kthaya.
Other Sites and monuments of interest:

In the center of Anatolia
Ruins of Gordion 
A former Phrygian capital where Alexander the Great cut the famous espadazo a Gordian knot, can be reached from the village of Yassihyk. Among the burial mounds that surround the tomb of Midas the Phrygian king, probably the oldest wooden structure in the world. Lies Cappadocia, cradle of the first inhabitants of Anatolia located between Aksaray, Nigde, Nevsehir and Kayseri, this unique area is the result of volcanic eruptions extraas eroded by centuries and pierced by the hand of man. Among the incredible landscape formations are the remains of prehistoric villages, abandoned fortresses, Byzantine churches carved inside the peaks shaped " fairy chimneys ", and dozens of disturbing underground villas carved into the stone between the seventh and twelfth centuries. As part of this unique landscape, Tuz Goal is the largest salt lake in the world's largest. Konia City The Iconium Roman is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Turkey, capital of the Seljuks in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries place of origin of the Whirling Dervishes, which highlights the grave of Mevlana Sufi mystic founder of the order, and the great mosque of Aladdin (XIII century).


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