Thursday, August 21, 2014

7 more attractive places for tourism in Rome

7 more attractive places for tourism in Rome 

Rome is the Eternal City is filled with monuments and great monuments are the center of the greatest civilizations Vtjd magnificent palaces and ancient churches, cathedrals and monuments and statues Romania and fountains.

Here are 7 more attractive places for tourism in Rome:

7 Field Roman (Roman Forum)

Located in a small valley between the hills of platinum and Alcabatolen (Palatine and Capitoline)

Ancient Roman field was always going to be a densely populated, where he was a gathering place and marches and speeches and public affairs center for business too

But now it has become a deserted field not only by some of the architectural monuments include the brackets Septimius Severus and Titus (the Arches of Septimius Severus and Titus) and the Temple of Antonius Pius and Faustina and the Temple of Saturn. (The Temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina and the Temple of Saturn)

6 stairs Spanish (Spanish Steps)

Is a long ways consists of 135 Salamah has built-funded French Between 1721 and 1725 in order to link Spain Alborbonih Vatican with the French Church Trinita de Monti 
(the French church, Trinità dei Monti) 
5-Fountain of Trevi (Trevi Fountain)

Is the largest Baroque fountain was built over 1762 years ago, one of the design of Nicola Salvi (Nicola Salvi) by forming a sculptural sea god Neptune flanked by two Triton (son of the Lord of the sea by the novel by Amazigh) 

Site was selected station being connected to channel water Aqua Virgo, which was built in the 19th century BC. Legend says that casting a coin which will come someday due to Rome 

4 Vatican Museums (Vatican Museums)

Founded by Pope Bolios in 6 th century AD and these museums exist inside Vatican City and includes some of the important implications in the world and also includes spiral staircases and rooms Rafael and the magnificent Sistine Chapel 
He has Michelangelo drawing roof of the church between 1508 and 15012 to become one of the most important and beautiful works in drawing 

3 Alancion (Pantheon)

It is the best archaeological Roman building in terms of conservation, and perhaps the best preserved building from that era in the world 
Was built in 126 AD as a temple to all the gods of ancient Rome turned into a Romanian Catholic Church since the 17th century .. consists of a large circular portico with three of the massive granite columns 
Opens in the lobby of the gallery surmounted by surname, although that passed this building two thousand years to build, but that this dome is still the largest concrete dome in the world 

2 St. Peter's Church (St. Peter's Basilica)

The center of the Catholic world and the most attractive places for tourism, with a height of 120 meters from the inside 
It was described by a number of critics as "occupies a prominent place in the Christian world and as" the greatest of all other Christian churches and the cause of the revered back, because the cathedral, according to Catholic tradition contains the tomb of St. Peter, and located the shrine directly under the main altar of the cathedral, which is called "the altar of recognition" or "papal altar," or "the altar of St. Peter" and engaged many of the famous artists in this church Mikilangal such as Michelangelo, which he drew the dome and Bernini Bernini, who designed the great St. Peter's 

1 Colosseum (Colosseum)

Colosseum or Alkolseyoum or Alclausam or so-called asset runway Alflavi is a giant Roman amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome originally sought about 45,000 to 50,000 spectators. The arena is used in fighting gladiators (Algeladiatorz) and mass competitions. Been initiated to build between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed 80 years mainly in the reign of Titus, but has some additional changes in the reign of Domitian 

Thus ended 7 more attractive places for tourism in Rome 

Source: touropia

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